Sgt Reckless Horse Grease is a thickened mineral oil that keeps horses and other large animals from chewing on surfaces. Horse Grease is water and heat resistant, so it's good for year-round outdoor applications. Paint the grease onto the surface you want the animal to stop chewing. Works on horses, cattle, donkeys, mules, alpaca llamas, pit bulls, large dogs, small dogs. Testimonials are available.
Sgt Reckless's Horse Grease is an all-natural, bad-tasting, specially thickened preparation that stops equines and other large animals from chewing on wood, hair, metal, rubber, etc. Odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable, non-combustible.
Horse Grease is a natural, safe and effective way to stop equines from chewing on wood, bandages, trailers, trees, tails, and manes, etc..
Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
12 items | $16.52 | 25% off |
48 items | $15.63 | 29% off |
BITTER BALM is "Competition Safe" for USEF, FEI, TRA, AQHA sanctioned events. Ideal for competition Thoroughbreds, Quarter Horses, Trotters, Barrel Racers, Cutting Horses, English & Western Show Horses, Rodeo Competitors, etc. It stops large and small animals from unhealthy and destructive chewing on fences, gates, cages, furniture, barns, bandages, etc. A little goes a long way. The taste is extremely bitter, and very memorable. It's non-toxic to humans and animals. Features: long lasting, stays in place, stays effective through all kinds of weather, easy storage, no expiration date. For use on porous surfaces, first apply a coating of sealant. A cheap, clear spray-on should be fine.
For horses penned up during competitions, 5 oz should last a competition weekend. Even just 2 oz might do the trick.
Works on dogs, too, from Pit Bulls who want to chew their way out of their pen, to puppies who chew on furniture and molding. Great for pets coming home from the veterinarian with bandages.
If a human being accidentally gets a taste of it, the bad taste lasts about 20 minutes. If you can't wait that long, the antidote is milk chocolate: Chew on some milk chocolate.
Net contents 10 fluid oz. Ingredients: Mineral Oil, Thickener, Grapefruit Seed Oil, Bitterants.
Before Opening: Wear disposable gloves if possible. The product won't hurt you, but it will make whatever it gets on taste bitter. That's why it works.
Upon Opening: If oil separation has occurred, stir the product up. Apply directly to the surface, bandage, or skin the pet licks or chews. Applying with a small paint brush or cloth works great. Porous Surfaces: Use a sealant to prevent absorption. Not intended for household fabrics such as pillows, clothing, curtains. Cleanup: Use water and paper towels. Storage: Store with your household chemicals or in medicine cabinet.
Sgt Reckless Horse Grease is thickened mineral oil that keeps animals from chewing on things due to its long lasting bad taste. Horse Grease is water and heat resistant, so it's good for year-round outdoor applications. Paint the grease onto the thing you want the animal to stop chewing. Works on horses, cattle, donkeys, mules, alpaca llamas, pit bulls, large dogs, small dogs. Testimonials are available.
Safety: Best to wear gloves and safety glasses. Why? Similar to cooking with jalapeno peppers, you will want to avoid touching your eyes or other certain body areas after using our grease, therefore, it is best to wear gloves to keep from getting any on your hands.
How to Apply: Apply with a small cup and a paint brush. Squeeze some grease from the bottle into a small cup, then apply with a paint brush. Similar to house paint and peanut butter, oil separation may have occurred, in which case you simply stir the product up with a spoon. But the product will still work whether you stir it up or not.
Long Lasting: The product stays effective in extreme weather. The grease will not melt in the heat of the sun, and will not freeze in the cold of winter, nor will it wash off in the pouring rain. Dust and dirt will not make the grease taste less bad, i.e., will have no affect on it's effect.
Porous Surfaces: Horse Grease will eventually soak into porous surfaces, like wood. This could take several weeks (for a live trees), or several days (for rotten wood). This does not mean the chewing (Remember the chewing behavior we are trying to stop?) will begin again, since the object of your animal's desire (the fence, cage, or bandage) still tastes like our grease and the animal will most probably long ago have stopped chewing on that spot. I.e., once applied, Horse Grease will work even after it has soaked into the porous surface. In the unlikely event your animal wants to come back and begin his chewing ways again because he thinks the nasty taste might be gone, rest assured the grease will still be there in all it's potency. If one taste of the grease didn't do the trick, two most definitely will.
How to Remove: To remove Horse Grease from a surface use rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer (or paint thinner) and a wash rag.
Storage: Screw the cap back onto the bottle, wipe off the bottle with alcohol and a rag, and store the bottle wherever you store your household chemicals.: under the sink, in the tool shed, broom closet, garage, barn, etc. There's nothing poisonous or explosive or flammable in Horse Grease. There are no fumes to worry about. It is simply thickened mineral oil.
Company Mailing Address
Sergeants 3 LLC
1272 Pleasant Point Rd
Surry, VA 23883